The example of analysis text

The article:
How Does Rainbow Happen?
            Rainbow often appears after the rain stops. Rainbow consists of a big bow spectrum and happens from water droplets which reflacted paralel because of the light of the sun. When the sun is shining and the light passing through water droplets, we can see a reflaction because of a wide variety of colors. The light passes and reflact like a light passing through a prism mirror.
            Rainbow happen to begin when the sunlight passing through the raindrops. The light is deflected to the center of the droplets. The white light is separated from each other into a spectrum of colors. The colors that have been separated, then separate again into very small portions. There is more light separated from each other in the droplets. Finally those colors form a light curve called rainbow.
            On the ground, we only see a maximum of a half circle rainbow. Because rainbow created involving distance with water droplets, the rainbow always move to follow the movement of anyone who seen it. It makes our distance with rainbow constant, in other word we could never approach the rainbow.

The analysis:
            The tittle in the the above uses simple sentence because there is one subject and one Fv. The subject is Rain and tha FV is does. but the sentence is formed by interogative sentence. In the text above contains of three paragraphs. In the first paragraph  contains of four paragraphs. The second paragraph  contains of five sentences. And the third paragraph  contains of three sentences.
1.                   In paragraph one, the first sentence is “Rainbow often appears after the rain stops.” It is a complex sentence. Because it has two clauses  and there is a subordination between two sentences. The subordination is “after” which is showing “suordinators for adverb clause of time”. Here, time clauses tell when the rains stops.  Beside that, I state that is the complex sentence, because the structure of this text is “Main clause = S+Fv, and Subclause = Sub+S+Fv.” In the main clause , the subject is “Rainbow” and the Finite verb is “appears”. While in subclause the subordination is” after”, the subject is rain, and the finite verb is “stops”.

2.                   The second sentence on paragraph one is “Rainbow consists of a big bow spectrum and happens from water droplets which reflacted paralel because of the light of the sun.” It is also complex sentence. Because there is a subordination in two clauses. The subordination “which” has the functions as relative pronouns functioning as subjects. Because in this sentence  has two clauses is divided by two kinds. They are main clause which has the structure S+Fv and Subclause which has the structure sub+S+Fv.
                                    The subordination on the second sentence in paragraph one is “which”.  It is showing relative pronoun functioning as subject because “which” is used to modify the antecedeent water droplets (thing).
3.                   The third sentence on paragraph one is “When the sun is shining and the light passing through water droplets, we can see a reflaction because of a wide variety of colors.” It is a complex sentence. Because there is a subordination “When” in sub-clause. In this sub-clause, the word “when”  as the function of replaces a prepositional phrase of time. In this sentence the structure which used by the writer is different with the first and second sentence on paragraph one. The structure which uses on the third sentence in paragraph one is, sub-clause = Sub+S+Fv, then added the comma. After that main clause = S+Fv.
            On the third sentence, there are some noun phrase. They are, object of preposition as noun modifier and participle as noun modifiers. Object of prepositions as noun modifier in “When the sun is shining and the light passing through water droplets, we can see a reflaction because of a wide variety of colors” is “a reflaction” as noun and the head word is modified by the object of preposition “because of a wide variety of colors”. And  participle as noun modifier is showed when  the word “passing” modifier noun “light” which means the light which is passing.

4.                   The last sentence in paragraph one is “The light passes and reflact like a light passing through a prism mirror.” It is a compund sentence because there is a coordination between two clauses. The coordination is “and” which functions to additional idea related to first idea. Although there is no comma before the conjunction  “and” i still believe that it is compound sentence. It is caused by the last sentence in paragraph one have two finite verb. They are passes and reflact.
            There are one noun phrase in the last sentence in paragraph one. It is a participle as noun modifier. in the sentence  “The light passes and reflact like a light passing through a prism mirror”, the word “light” as noun or head word is modified by the word “passing”  which has the meaning the light which passes.

5.                   The first sentence on paragraph two is “Rainbow happen to begin when the sunlight passing through the raindrops”. It is a complex sentence because there is a subordination between two clauses. The subordintaion is “when”. It is one of kinds in subordination relative adverb. It functions as substitutes or the replaces the prepositional phrase of time. Although the structure of complex sentence in the first sentence on paragraph one is different with the first sentence on paragraph two, but it is still complex sentence.
            The stucture in the first sentence on paragraph two are main clause S+Fv, and sub-clause = Actually , in this subclause is formed by S+tobe but the writer of this article wants to make more simple, so to be in subclause is deleted. In, addition the word  “passing” functions as participle as noun modifiers. The word “passing” modifiers the subject “the sunlight”.

6.                   The second sentence on paragraph two is “The light is deflected to the center of the droplets.” It is a simple sentence because in this sentence  contains of one subject and one finite verb. Beside that there is no conjunction or subordination in the second sentence on paragraph two. The subject is “The light” and the Finite verb is “is”.
In the second sentence in paragraph two the word “of” on “the center of the droplets” has the function as preposition as noun modifier which modifies   the head word “the center” . The word “the center” is modified by the object of preposition  “of the droplets.”

7.                   The third sentence on paragraph three is “The white light is separated from each other into a spectrum of colors.” It is a simple sentence because in one sentence has one subject and one finite verb. The subject is “the white light” and the finite verb is “is”.
            In the sentence “The white light is separated from each other into a spectrum of colors”, the preposition “of” as object of prepositions as noun modifier. The word “of colors ” has the function to  modifies the head word “a spectrum”.

8.                   The forth sentence on paragraph two is “The colors that have been separated, then separate again into very small portions.” It is not simple sentence, complex , and comp0und sentence. It is not simple sentence because it is divided by two clauses. The sentence also two finite verb in one sentence and there is no coordination as the characteristics of compound sentence. In this sentence actually has the subordination “that”, but after the subordination must be added S+FV. Not, Sub+Fv.

9.        The fifth sentence in paragraph two is “There is more light separated from each other in the droplets.”
In this sentence is a simple sentence because in the sentence there is one subject and one finite verb. Beside that, there is no conjunction or subordination in thi sentence. The subject on this sentence is there is more light, and the finite verb is separated.

1        The last sentence in paragraph two is “Finally those colors form a light curve called rainbow.”
In this sentence is simple sentence. Because the sentence contains of subject and finite verbs. In addition, the sentence is also does not coordination or subordination. The suject in the sentence is those colors and the finite verb is form.
    The first sentence in paragraph three is “On the ground, we only see a maximum of a half circle rainbow.”
It is simple sentence. Because in this sentence one  sentence contains of one subject and one finite verb. Beside that, this sentence does not have a coordination or subordinaton. The subject is “we” and the finite verb is “see”.
     In the sentence “On the ground, we only see a maximum of a half circle rainbow.” the preposition “of” functions as prepositions as noun modifier which modifier the head word “a half circle rainbow”. The head word a maximum” is modified by the object of prepositions “of a half circle rainbow”

1          The second sentence in paragraph three is “Because rainbow created involving distance with water droplets, the rainbow always move to follow the movement of anyone who seen it.” It is a complex sentence because there are two subordination in three clauses. They are because and who. “Because” is one of subordination which is showing adverb clauses of reason. and who is one of subordination which is showing adjective clauses. In this sentence, the word “who” has the function relative pronouns as the subjects. Who is used to modify the antecedent “anyone”(person) as the subject of the subordinated verb “seen”.  
            Actually he main clause in this sentence is “the rainbow always move to follow the movement of anyone” which is in the middle both of them.
There is also object of preposition as noun modifiers, which is the preposition “of anyone” modifies the movement.

1          The last sentence in paragraph three is “It makes our distance with rainbow constant, in other word we could never approach the rainbow.”It is not simple sentence, compound sentence, or complex sentence. It is not simple sentence caused by in one sentence have two subject and two finite verb. The subjects are “it” and “we”. The finite verbs are “makes” and “could”.
      The sentence is not compound sentence because the sentence does not connector to unify the clauses so that two clauses make a coherent (unified).

The sentence is not complex sentence because there is no subordinator which is embedded into another clause.

Di Balik Tubuh Yang Ringkih

Berbicara tentang cinta, dalam senja ini aku menulis beberapa paragraph yang akan bercerita tentang seseorang yang benar-benar mempunyai makna tentang sebuah cinta. Aku sering menyebutnya dia sosok Tuan yang benar-benar yang menjadi pelangi setelah hujan menyapa, dan senja setelah terik matahari datang.  Bukan hanya itu “tuan” itu adalah sosok tuan yang benar-benar multitalen bagi seorang gadis yang lemah dan manja. “Sang Tuan” mampu menjadi sosok yang gadis itu butuhkan, dia mampu menjadi seorang ibu, yang selalu merawat nya di saat gadis tersebut tak mampu berdiri untuk menopang tubuhnya yang sedang ringkih, dia juga mampu menjadi sosok ayah yang selalu memeluknya di saat dia benar-benar merasa takut untuk sendiri dan butuh perlindungan ketika dia dalam keadaan bahaya, dia juga mampu menjadi sosok kakak yang sangat menyayangi adiknya, dia juga mampu menjadi seorang adik yang sangat manja dan selalu meminta agar dapat perhatian dari si kakak, dia juga selalu menjadi teman yang selalu menemani nya setiap hari bahkan ketika semua menjauhi si gadis, dia pun selalu ada selalu untuk si gadis bercerita dan berbagi dalam suka dan duka.
Pernah suatu ketika sang gadis terjatuh dan terluka, dan sang gadis pun tidak dapat melakukan apa-apa. Yang dapat dilakukan oleh sang gadis hanyalah berbaring di tempat tidur. Sang gadis pun datang ke kediaman “sang Tuan”, sesampainya disana sang tuan langsung memeluk tubuh sang gadis yang kecil nan ringkih. Dalam pelukan sang tuan , si gadis pun mengadu tentang apa yang terjadi. Sekeketika itu juga semakin  erat sang tuan memeluk sang gadis , dan membisikan kata-kata lembut dalam telinga sang gadis bahwa semua akan baik-baik. Sang gadis pun lalu membalas pelukan sang tuan dengan sangat erat sembari memegang erat telapak tangan sang tuan, seolah meyakinkan kepada sang tuan bahwa dia percaya pada sang Tuan. Sang tuan pun mencium kening sang gadis dengan sangat lembut, hingga sang gadis benar-benar merasa tenang dan larut dalam ciuman kening tersebut.
Sang tuan mempersilahkan sang gadis untuk beristirahat di tempat dia terbiasa untuk terjaga. Lagi-lagi sang tuan mencium kening sang gadis dan membisikkan kata-kata, bahwa semua akan baik-baik saja. Sang gadis pun mencoba mulai memejamkan mata, dan merasakan kata-kata sakti yang selalu di ucapkan ketika sang gadis dalam keadaan sakit ataupun terluka. Sang tuan benar-benar merawat sang gadis, dia melakukan berbagai upaya agar sang gadis dapat berdiri lagi. sejenak dia meninggalkan sang gadis, untuk bercengkrama dengan teman-temannya agar sang gadis dapat terjaga. Dan sejenak dia mengunjungi tempat terjaga yang di huni oleh sang gadisnya yang ringkih, hanya untuk memastikan bahwa gadisnya baik-baik saja. Dia melakukannya berulang kali hingga gelap pun menyapa.
Kali ini sang gadis merasa tersentuh dengan perlakuan sang tuan yang sangat berbeda,. Bukan , bukan sang tuan yang seperti biasa. Yang angkuh, yang terlalu sering untuk marah ataupun egois. Kali ini sang gadis melihat sang tuan seperti ibu yang merawat anaknya. Sang gadis melihat sinar mata yang berbeda dari sang tuan, betapa sang tuan benar-benar khawatir kepada sang gadis pada saat itu. Lihatlah dia memeluk sang gadis berulang-ulang, dan memastikan bahwa gadisnya benar-benar baik-baik saja.
Pada saat itu memang sang tuan sangat berbeda, sang tuan yang selalu dengan amarah yang tak berkesudahan, serta dengan emosi yang selalu meledak-ledak ketika menyinggung hal yang sedikit sensitive. Sang gadis benar-benar melihat kelembutan hati sang tuan pada saat itu, ketika sang tuan mengusap dahi sang gadis , dan mencium keningnya, ketika sang tuan memeluk sang gadis dengan erat, dan melakukan berbagai cara agar gadisnya baik-baik saja.  Sang tuan selalu mencoba agar membuat sang gadis mampu tersenyum , dan melupakan sejenak tentang sakit yang dia alami pada saat itu.

Kali ini si gadis bertambah dalam keyakinannya  bahwa sang Tuan memang laki-laki yang tepat untuk di pilih dan di pertahankan, dan ya memang , memang dia sangat berbeda. Karena dia sangat istimewa.